Knowing That We Are a Child of God Today

by Dr. Anthony Murphy writer

Knowing that we are a child of God today,
can propel us into prosperity in every way.
All these blessings stored up for us are here and now.
Yes! There is a way to get these and here's how…

As I write this poem God is giving me the words to say.
As for me and my house, I will do this without delay.
Give and it shall be given to you, shaken together
and running over. These blessings depends on whether.

Whether you believe the word of God is true or not.
If you do believe, give a portion of what you’ve got.
The Lord gives blessings to you in these last days.
Are you tithing your money, talents and skill in some ways?

This is the way to see God open the windows of heaven for you.
Try it today and from this day on, to prove that this message is true.
God loves a cheerful giver so don't give begrudgingly — no, no,no.
But, give with a cheerful, grateful heart and watch the blessings flow.