Are You Qualified to Do What You Do?

by Dr. Anthony Murphy writer

Are you qualified to do what you do?
Many would ask this question of me and you.
When God assigns to us, a special task
there will always people to negatively ask.

In the Bible, when God gave special assignments to some
there were always those who wondered, “Why that one?”
The chosen seemed least competent, without the proper qualifications.
But, God knew what they had and assigned them without hesitation.

Many of us are going through this phase in our life right now.
We know God has assigned us do something special, but how?
There will always be that negative voice telling us there is no way.
We can choose to listen to that, or we can in faith, believe and obey.

As a child of the living God we are designed to be winners in life.
Sure, we can expect jealousy, insults and many types of strife.
The enemy doesn't want us to succeed and accomplish what God wants us to do.
However, if we refuse this God inspired task, we will never be content, it's true.

Bible Reference: Genesis 4:7