Some Things in Life Are Hard for Me to Understand

by Chaplain Anthony Murphy Site Admin
Some things in life are hard for me to understand.
Many times I have to believe in faith, and not demand.
God always knows what is happening to me and you.
And, that the result will be best for us — it's true.

The next part of this poem I want you to speak out loud.
This will be for your benefit, so please don't be proud…
Say, “I am blessed, prosperous, victorious, healthy and whole.
God is smiling down on me and I know He's in control.

“Good things are going to happen to me starting today.
God knows what to do even when we don't see a way.
Thank you Lord, I am excited and this I pray.
No matter what comes against me, I'll be more than okay!”

Remember you are very special to God, and He loves you.
So, when those negative voices come, to God stay true.
Then, in faith, believe and watch what God can do today.
Things can happen that you didn't expect, in a very unusual way.

Bible Reference: Mark 10:27