Unconditional Love - What Does This Mean to You?

by Dr. Anthony Murphy writer

Unconditional love - what does this mean to you?
With so many, they judge others every day, it's true.
How they look, what they believe, the color of their skin…
If we are to be Christlike, repent — this is the day to begin.

Jesus sets the example for us to follow, while we’re here on earth.
He didn't judge people, no! He loved them for all He was worth.
Too many times we make an immediate judgment of someone we see
if they have a different religion, and don't act like you and me.

Everyone is on a journey in this life, they are just like a seed.
Some are still dormant, some just sprouted, and some are treated like a weed.
They are outcast because of where they are at this time in their life.
We as Christ followers should love unconditionally, and not cause strife.

God knows their heart and He knows that they are looking for love.
He's also watching how we treat that person, from heaven above.
Jesus loved the sinner and didn't condemn them while He was here.
He was our example to love one another, and not live in hatred and fear.

Bible Reference: John 13: 34,35