When Things Seem Overwhelming in Our Life

by Chaplain Anthony Murphy Site Admin

When things seem overwhelming in our life,
that situation is causing frustration and strife.
Everything that could go wrong did for you.
And, now you really don't know what to do.

This is when you need to call on the master.
God can, and will, fix that seeming disaster.
He can make any situation turn out for your good.
However, you must have faith, that's understood.

Nothing is a surprise to God, He see's and hears it all.
This is especially true when on His name, you call.
He can take that situation and handle it right now.
The result will amaze you — you may even yell WOW!

The God that created the universe and even created you,
is in total control and knows exactly what to do.
Just give Hm the problem and then leave it strictly alone.
Don't listen to the negative voices, they like to hear you moan.