I Want to Introduce You to a Very Special Person Today

by Dr. Anthony Murphy writer

I want to introduce you to a very special person today.
This is a very exciting person, so please listen to what I say.
This person is very unique, with talents that are theirs alone.
They are able to do these things, but to many they are unknown.

That person was made to excel in life with their special skill.
They are destined to do the unusual because they can fill the bill.
Some envy that person, they are truly blessed, many would agree.
Who is that special person you ask? That person is you and me.

Yes! You are that person that God created in a very special way.
You were made for this time in creation, this is your momentous day.
You are the masterpiece that God created, and said was good.
He knew that you could accomplish His purpose, if you would.

Of course, we all have a choice in life to do, or not to do.
God gave each of us a special gift, this is Biblically true.
So, stand up tall and know you are very special to God.
Yes, you are blessed and anointed, enjoy the role of being odd!