Keep Strife out of Your Life

by Chaplain Anthony Murphy Site Admin

Keep strife out of your life.
This applies especially to every husband and wife.
Each member of your family is different from you.
They can do many things to aggravate you, it's true.

Discord and frustration go “hand in hand”.
You get this when you, in anger, demand.
We all know what's it like to know we are right.
How we handle this, can be the beginning of a fight.

If we would only learn that being right is highly over-rated.
Saying things in haste, causes conflict — we should have waited.
Now we are sleeping on the couch or having a cold night.
Was it worth it? What did you accomplish with the fight?

God has a better plan of action, that works every time still.
He tells us to be the peacemaker, for that's His will.
We all make mistakes, it's how we react sets us apart.
Yelling and being confrontational is stupid — instead be smart.