Let's Play a New and Exciting Garden Game Today

by Dr. Anthony Murphy writer

Let's play a new and exciting garden game today.
In that garden you will plant words with what you say.
These words will mature and come to pass for you.
So remember, speaking only positive, uplifting words will do.

These words prophesy your future, so handle them with care.
Do not speak lack, sickness, or poverty. No — don't you dare!
Your words can and will bring you, what you daily declare.
Most people speak without thinking and, of this, are unaware…

That the words we speak will come to pass — it's true.
So, be very careful with the words you speak and what you do.
If we only remember that the words we utter and daily speak
Determine our future — we’ll be strong, healthy, happy or weak.

So, starting today declare that you are prosperous and well.
In your “word garden” continue with those positive words to tell
That you are anointed, favored, a special, royal child of God!
You will be blessed supernaturally, it's true, I'm here to tell.