It's Valentine's Day and a Time to Acknowledge Our Very Best Friend

by Chaplain Anthony Murphy Site Admin

It's Valentine’s day and a time to acknowledge our very best friend.
This friend is Jesus Christ, our Savior, and His love will never end.
If we could only comprehend this “agape” love He has for us today,
It would chase all the doubts and fears we experience away.

Just think that the God that created the universe loves you and me.
If you could really understand and accept this and truly agree,
Then it would no longer seem impossible that we are so important to Him.
We are all His family, loved, and in this life He wants us to win.

Of course, we know we have competition for our very soul.
The enemy, Satan, fights us every day and strives for control.
It's a continual battle of good and evil we all experience every day.
God wanting us to do good and prosper, and Satan to lead us astray.

This is Valentine’s day and a day to recommit our to lives to God.
Yes! I understand this is not the usual Valentine’s greeting and it's odd.
But, how many times does Jesus get a Valentine’s greeting from you?
Not very often I'm sure, so today keep thanking Him for His love so true.