God Has You Where He Wants You Today

by Dr. Anthony Murphy writer

God has you where He wants you today.
Many would be unhappy and say, “No way!”
But, God has a purpose at this location for you.
He has the ultimate plan and purpose for you to do.

Sometimes it's hard to understand the “what” and the ‘“why”.
We try to figure it out and sometimes even cry.
God has something for us to do here and now.
It's because we have the God-given talent, that's why and how.

Maybe you don't like where you are at in this life.
Maybe you are experiencing heartaches and strife.
God loves you and knows what you're going through.
Believe it or not, you are not alone — He’s right there with you!

God will never leave or desert us anywhere or at anytime.
Sometimes we feel all alone in life, I know, it's happened in mine.
I remind myself that God really cares and this will be for my good.
He's with us through these problems and wants that understood.