God I admit I goofed (sinned) again today.

by Chaplain Anthony Murphy Site Admin

God I admit I goofed (sinned) again today.

Seems I can do it daily in some way.

Maybe it was the nasty words I spoke in haste

Sometimes it seems my Christian life is a waste.

How can you love me even when I'm doing wrong?

When and where I'm doing it, where I don't belong.

Many times in only in my mind, I confess, as you know.

My flesh tells me it's OK, the Holy spirit tells me WHOA!

Who will I listen to today and heed to what they will say.

Will I give into temptation yet again, another day?

Or align myself with the Holy Spirit and say NO WAY!.

This is when I must ask the Lord for His help as I pray.

So many people condemn others because of their sin.

They look down at them, but know they will never win.

They have the 'holier than thou'.attitude' we all know someone.

But thank God we always have forgiveness through Jesus, God's son.