How can you and I help someone today?

by Chaplain Anthony Murphy Site Admin

How can you and I help someone today?

This is the very special message of the day.

We all know people that need help now.

The only question to me and you is, how?

Sometimes all they need is a little of our time.

I know this can be inconvenient in your life and mine.

But we must realize that we are designed to serve others.

Remember we are all in the family of God, sisters and brothers.

God gave us this assignment to always help our fellow man.

This is not something new, it started when the earth began.

Jesus was the greatest servant of all and He taught us how.

As the mightiest leader he humbled himself that's a WOW!

So today when you see or know someone in need.

Help them in whatever way you can, make it your good deed.

God is watching from heaven above to see what you do.

He will always reward you for helping his own, it's true.