In many grocery stores there is an area for damaged goods.

by Dr. Anthony Murphy writer

In many grocery stores there is an area for damaged goods.

This is where the cans that are imperfect are deemed duds.

Inside these cans, however, the peas, corn or peaches are OK.

Many times all of us feel like damaged goods in some way.

We may have had something happen in our childhood that was bad.

Or maybe we grew up in a dysfunctional home, always being sad.

In this world we will always have a reason to think of the wrong.

That's not what Jesus thinks of us, in His blessed life, we belong.

We are victors and not victims. We have the DNA of Almighty God in our blood.

You may have en-counted a lose, but you are not a loser, that's understood.

The accuser will always give us a reason to think we are inferior in some way.

My goal is stop us thinking these negative thoughts starting today.

Just because you failed at something, you are not a failure, no not you.

You were hand picked by God to accomplish your assignment, it's true.

Quit mulling over the past. God can make greatness out of a great mess

It can and will happen if we cast our cares on God. I did, I confess.