So many people are living their life with a shame-full past.

by Chaplain Anthony Murphy Site Admin

So many people are living their life with a shame-full past.

That feeling of shame seems to last and last.

Something happened in their past that won't let them go.

God has some great news for you today He says NO!

No! to that feeling of shame that has held you back.

No! to that feeling of shame that kept you in lack.

No, to that heaviness of guilt, insecurity and shame today.

God has released you from that shame, now it can't stay.

Shame is a favorite tool of the enemy, he uses every day.

For that wrong in your past he wants you to pay and pay.

God. however, has released you from that burden now.

You must remember you were forgiven by God, that's how.

God totally forgave you and now you must forgive others.

Sometimes it was a family violation with a sisters or brothers,

No matter who or what caused this feeling of shame in you.

You can now to live the incredible, secure, forgiven life, it's true.