Are you a peacemaker in life today?

by Dr. Anthony Murphy writer

Are you a peacemaker in life today?

Do you get easily irritated with what people say?

How do you react when you hear a bad report?

Or when you hear something negative and then retort?

God tells us to be a peacemaker and not make waves.

This is hard for many of us to do in these turbulent days.

It seems everything is going wrong and our faith is being tried.

We want to render our opinion sometimes out of pride.

When we realize this is another of the enemies trick today.

He wants you to commit to saying something you shouldn't say.

It's so easy to give them 'a peace of your mind' and straighten them out.

This is sometimes when the original conversation turns into a shout.

God wants to fight our battles, He knows just how and when to win.

These conflicts have always been around and can lead into sin.

Arguing will cause anger and strife that can and will ruin your day.

Staying in peace, letting God fight your battles, this is the best way.