Ever wonder how long can this go on God?

by Chaplain Anthony Murphy Site Admin

Ever wonder how long can this go on God?

I confess I have asked the Lord this too, am I odd?

Seems things are getting more evil these days.

The enemy is looking to plant new evil ways.

Thank God we have a great Christian president now.

He is planning to drain the swamp and he knows how.

If this country would have continued it's down hill slide.

Christians and the moral majority would need to hide.

It's so refreshing to see a man with morals in power.

He's doing a great job to correct this evil every hour.

Sure some people don't like him, they don't like me too.

But writing these God inspired poems is what I do.

As Christians we need to stand up for what is right.

The enemy won't concede without a demonic fight.

Let's keep all our Christian leaders in prayer every day.

Keep your faith and hope in Almighty God, come what may.