So many people have God in a box now.

by Chaplain Anthony Murphy Site Admin

So many people have God in a box now.

They expect God to do certain things and how.

But God doesn't do things as we expect.

Some things don't look right, and those we reject.

If we could only see behind the scenes today.

We could realize that some things are only Gods' way.

They don't always appear logical to us, it's true.

However, God Almighty always knows just what to do.

We have all experienced things we didn't understand.

We question God, asking why? but please don't demand.

He is our heavenly father and He always knows what's best.

So the best thing to do is go along with God and pass the test.

Some things are a test of our faith and trust.

If you are a true believer, this is an absolute must.

The Bible has many stories that proves this to you and me.

Some of these characters lacked this faith, I also agree.

But, however, they were healed and delivered for all to see.