If we could only see ourselves as God see's you and me.

by Chaplain Anthony Murphy Site Admin

If we could only see ourselves as God see's you and me.

We would realize that when God made us what he would see.

He said you and I were a masterpiece a very special one of a kind.

That when he made you he had something special in mind.

You are not ordinary or average, no, you are a 'cut above'.

You were especially made for this time and space by God above.

Everyday you should look in the mirror and thank God for whose you are.

God breathed into you His special favor, your talents and abilities beyond par.

We are all part of God's plan and he created each for his pleasure.

You have gifts and talents not yet discovered, they are beyond measure.

If we could only realize just how exceptional you and I are today.

We could walk and talk with assurance, because God made us that way.

So consider yourself as God's masterpiece and be proud of whose you are.

Just like a precious painting created by a master or even a priceless car,

Your worth is beyond comprehension, you are absolutely invaluable too.

So if you ever feel insecure, unattractive or inferior, this poem is for you.