I want each of us to experience a fresh anointing today.

by Dr. Anthony Murphy writer
I want each of us to experience a fresh anointing today.
This is something you get from the Lord when you ask and pray.
It's that something very special, that allows you to do things well.
To accomplish goals and dreams that seem impossible, I'm here to tell.
On our own we have limited potential in life, this is so very true.
But, with God's anointing, you can do a multitude of things others can't do.
I am anointed to be a chaplain and write inspired poems for God.
To many, I am just an ordinary guy and some think I'm odd.
But, with His anointing, I can accomplish what seems impossible to me.
When you have it, you will accomplish the goal God has for you, you'll see.
On our own, things can be a struggle and almost seem impossible, we know.
However, with a fresh anointing, the blessings and benefits will start to flow.
If you need a fresh anointing, the Bible tells us what to do and how.
We simply ask our Heavenly Father for His anointing here and now.
He loves to hear us asking in faith and believing this will truly come to pass.
We are all God's students and now we can graduate with honors from the class.