What is grace to you, that’s the question of the day?

by Chaplain Anthony Murphy Site Admin

What is grace to you, that’s the question of the day?

To some, it’s just what you do before a meal, you pray.

But if we could only realize what grace is really,  for you and me.

It would be a dramatic, eye-opening revelation I’m sure you’d agree.


Grace is the unmerited favor from our Heavenly Father, God.

It is something that the world doesn’t understand, it’s truly odd.

Grace from God, is something we get that we don’t deserve, it’s true.

It means God still loves you in spite of what you did and/or do.


In the Bible Jesus demonstrated grace for us in many ways.

He often went out of His way to help some for many days.

Like the woman caught in adultery that men wanted to kill.

Jesus taught us all a lesson of grace that day that is applicable still.


If we all got what we deserve because of what we did or have done.

I’m sure you’ll agree we should have been punished by God’s son.

No! Jesus offers us “Amazing Grace” that saves us from danger and hell

And wants us all to live a victorious faith filled Godly life, I’m here to tell.