With so much stress and turmoil around us everyday.

by Dr. Anthony Murphy writer

With so much stress and turmoil around us everyday.

It’s so easy to get stressed out and react in some wrong way.

How do you handle the stress, is my question to you?

When, “all hell breaks out” around you, what do you do?


So many choose the wrong way and fall into temptation and sin.

They drink, use drugs, light up a cigarette again.and again

This unhealthy temporary fix really makes things worse.

Over a short time this will even hurry up the hearse.


Is there a secret solution to worry, stress and fear?

Yes there is, knowing Almighty God is always near.

Just like in the Bible when things looked impossible then.

Almighty God came to the rescue there and then.


It was because of their unwavering faith and trust in God.

To the folks around them, they didn’t understand, they were odd.

But just like when Daniel was cast into the ferocious lion's den.

God rescued Daniel supernaturally without any harm coming to him.


So the solution is to cast your worries and stress on God alone.

He has the answer to the problem and He is still on the throne.

He controls factors that we can’t even see or comprehend

So just cast your cares on Him and pray, you’ll win in the end,