When I see people on TV complaining they have depression and stress.

by Chaplain Anthony Murphy Site Admin

When I see people on TV complaining they have depression and stress.

I want to let them know there is a yes way to get over that mess.

Discouragement is a part of life and comes to all of us in this life today.

How you handle all of this negativity, is the topic of the day.


Many times that discouragement, stress and depression is because of a no.

Something you’ve been hoping and praying for you can’t seem to make it go.

It could be a relationship, a sickness, a promotion, a job or even an invention.

Don’t give up, it’s just not time yet, just keep asking God for his intervention


YES! There is a yes on its way if you won’t give up and quit, it’s true.

That special someone or something you’ve been praying for is for me too.

It takes persistence and prayer to sometimes have God intervene and how.

Just like King Hezekiah when told he would die, didn’t, read 2 Kings 20: 1,2 now.


If we could only know just how many were on the brink of a miracle but gave up then.

We would be amazed and just like me and you when we ask God, “when God when”?.

Our miracle, our hopes, our prayer request hasn’t been forgotten, it’s on it’s way.

I want us all to sincerely believe that this is our time and his could be our YES day.