Do you want or need some supernatural hope and/or help today?

by Chaplain Anthony Murphy Site Admin

Do you want or need some supernatural hope and/or help today?

Is it really really possible for me, you may say?

Jesus is our resource, believe for Him to resolve it, even today.

Yes it is, and let me tell you the proven way.

All things are possible when you truly believe in Him.

Yes, If you'll only believe, the impossible can now begin.

He truly loves you and only wants the best for me and you, it's true.

Remember, Jesus loves you so much, He gave his life for you.

Know  believe and say it aloud, "If God is in it, there is no limit".

Truly believe, that with Almighty God on your side, you will win  it.

But you can limit what He can do for you by how and what you say.

So no negative words, remember true faith in Jesus is the victorious way.

The Holy Bible it tells us that our Savior Jesus truly cares about our life.

Satan and all his helpers are always there to create unhappiness and strife.

However, the Lord and His angels only want the best life for me and you.

So whatever you're hoping and praying for, He promises to supernaturally do.