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Sometimes in This Life We Lose a Loved One at a Very Early Age

by Dr. Anthony Murphy writer

Sometimes in this life we lose a loved one at a very early age.

Our grief is natural but the good news is 'it's only for days'.

When we are the parents of that child, that passed away,

Just know you will be reunited with them forever, one day.

God's Dream for Your Life Is so Very Big and It's Just for You

by Chaplain Anthony Murphy Site Admin

God's dream for you life is so very big and it's just for you.

Much bigger than you can imagine, mind boggling, it's true.

What he has in store for your life is beyond comprehension.

It's beyond anything you could conceive of, is his intention.

Have You Ever Noticed How the Enemy Likes to Mess With Our Minds?

by Chaplain Anthony Murphy Site Admin

Have you ever noticed how the enemy likes to mess with our mind?

Things that bothered you, are something for him to remind.

He knows if he can get us upset again, that will ruin our day.

This is one of his demonic tricks, but it's not his only way.

As I See What's Going on in the Government Today

by Dr. Anthony Murphy writer

As I see what's going on in the government today.

I continue to ask God to forgive the USA as I pray.

Seems like were are inviting Jesus to come back very soon.

With all this immorality, he really could return today at noon.

As I Write This Poem Inspired by God

by Chaplain Anthony Murphy Site Admin

As I write this poem inspired by God,

I may say somethings that to many may sound odd.

We all have a destiny in our DNA to fulfill.

In many this destiny DNA is dormant still.