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It's All Coming Together Shortly for You and Me

by Dr. Anthony Murphy writer

It's all coming together shortly for you and me.

These will be hopes and dreams that were meant to be.

God is behind the scenes working things out for our good.

He hasn't forgotten what he started in you, he wants that understood.

Remember When We Were Truly One Nation Under God?

by Dr. Anthony Murphy writer

Remember when we were truly one nation under God?

When Christians were the majority and were not considered odd?

Now Washington is trying to create one nation away from God, it seems,

They are bringing in other gods, and they will do it by any means.

So Many Are Going Through Discouragement and Stress

Event starts in event finished - on November 8th, 2016 08:00am
by Dr. Anthony Murphy writer

So many are going through discouragement and stress.

They look at their life and think, this is really a mess.

It's so easy to let those negative thoughts take control.

But Almighty God assures you that you can be made whole.

How Do You Start Your Day?

by Chaplain Anthony Murphy Site Admin

How do you start your day?

It's so very important what you think and say.

Negative thoughts and words and not the way,

To have a happy, blessed and fulfilled day.