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I Was Asked, “Do You Remember Your History Class?”

by Dr. Anthony Murphy writer

I was asked. “do you remember your history class”?

All I remember is that this is the class I barely passed

I do like reading about the history in the Bible though

It is very exciting, interesting and something I want to know.'

Today's Poem is Taken From Acts Chapter 5

by Chaplain Anthony Murphy Site Admin

Today's poem is taken from Acts chapter 5.

This is a story about church folks and how they lied

It's a story about Ananias and Sapphira, a husband and wife.

Church members that were not living the true life.

Let's Celebrate the Little Things in Life

by Chaplain Anthony Murphy Site Admin

Let's celebrate the little things in life.

Don't always look for the faults in your husband or wife.

Many times we see all the little things that really aggravate

Some see those problems and to voice them, they can't wait

Many Are Frustrated With the Way Things Are Today

by Chaplain Anthony Murphy Site Admin

Many are frustrated with the way things are today.

Seems every thing takes time and there is always a delay

It happens to all of us somethings we just don't understand

We pray for a healing revival to happen now in this land.

Do You Ever Feel Overwhelmed by the Pressures of Everyday Life?

by Chaplain Anthony Murphy Site Admin

Do you ever feel overwhelmed by the pressures of everyday life?

Does your busy schedule at times create incredible strife?

The enemy loves to keep people so very busy in any way

So they can't spend time with Jesus or study the word and pray.