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What does money mean to you?

by Chaplain Anthony Murphy Site Admin

What does money mean to you?

We all need it to live, it’s true.

Are you generous or not really

Here’s a secret, the Bible tells us clearly

So many Christians are in a financial mess today.

by Dr. Anthony Murphy writer

So many Christians are in a financial mess today.

They don’t believe or know what the bible has to say

God wants His people prosperous and well

This is told in the bible and I’m hear to tell.

As I watch all those medical ads on TV

by Chaplain Anthony Murphy Site Admin

As I watch all those medical ads on TV

Then I listen to what they could do for me.

I then count the side effects be it many or few

And realize the possible harm they can do.

Make the most of your time today

by Chaplain Anthony Murphy Site Admin

Make the most of your time today

Just take note of what you do, think and say

So many times we major on the wrong

Ask yourself, did I glorify Jesus all day long?