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I don’t deserve to go to heaven

by Dr. Anthony Murphy writer

I don’t deserve to go to heaven

with all the saints of old.

I deserve a fate much less than them.

If I may be so bold.

Today as I study the word

by Dr. Anthony Murphy writer

Today as I study the word

I sometimes can’t believe what I heard

From fellow Christians here at home

So fearful of the future, and they are not alone

Today, many people are arrogant and proud

by Chaplain Anthony Murphy Site Admin

oday, many people are arrogant and proud

Foolish enough to think they don’t need God

They don’t realize their every breath depends on Him

He, who created them, to them, the foolish, this is odd

Today I feel like I have been a failure most of my life.

by Dr. Anthony Murphy writer

Today I feel like I have been a failure most of my life.

If you don’t believe me, just ask my ex-wife

It seems like all I did was make one mistake after another

I feel like I have made more mistakes more than any other.