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America, it's time to get back to God now

by Chaplain Anthony Murphy Site Admin

America, it's time to get back to God now

I read in the Bible it tells us all how.

We must repent from our wicked ways

And we must do it soon there's not many more days.

When I'm pushed beyond my limits and this happens in my day.

by Chaplain Anthony Murphy Site Admin

When I'm pushed beyond my limits and this happens in my day.

I know that's when I should stop, take a few minutes and pray,

God, you listen to my heart. Please Continue to use me to do Your will.

Continue to bless me that I may be a blessing to others still.

I went to an auction today and watch as people bid

by Chaplain Anthony Murphy Site Admin

I went to an auction today and watch as people bid

On a variety of household items some didn't win but some others did.

I saw how the winners looked so happy and glad when they won

But I realized that their temporary ownership had just begun.

Some things that are happening today seem impossible to me.

by Chaplain Anthony Murphy Site Admin

Some things that are happening today seem impossible to me.

Things are sure different now, you people over 50 will agree

There are things that are despicable to many of us in this generation

Things that we all know are wrong and should not be happening in this nation.

When I Watch Old Re-runs on TV

by Chaplain Anthony Murphy Site Admin

When I watch old re-runs on TV

It makes me remember how life used to be

The good guys always wore a white hat

and it was rare to see a child acting like a brat