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As I Worked on My Computer Today

by Chaplain Anthony Murphy Site Admin

As I worked on my computer today.

The poem for today was going my way.

But then a virus interrupted my work

Making me realize this virus was to delay

God Has Always Been There For You

by Dr. Anthony Murphy writer

God has always been there for you.

If you can remember that special time you know it's true.

We don't know how many times God has spared our life

How he was able to intercede, help and stop the strife.

Are You Struggling in Some Way Today?

by Chaplain Anthony Murphy Site Admin

Are you struggling in some way today?

Seems everything is going the wrong way.

If you are struggling, God's advice is to relax

Otherwise you will be frustrated to the max.

Every Struggle and Adversity in Your Life Has a Reason

by Dr. Anthony Murphy writer

Every struggle and adversity in your life has a reason

We all go through these struggles and trials for a season

They actually make you into the person you are today.

So be thankful they made you stronger for come what may.

For Everything, There Is a Time and Season

by Chaplain Anthony Murphy Site Admin

For everything there is a time and season.

Sometimes I wonder why and what is the reason?

But the Lord knows what and how much we need today

He promises he will supply it in the very best way.