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What does Veterans Day mean to you?

by Dr. Anthony Murphy writer

What does Veterans Day mean to you?

Too many it's a just a day off work, it's true.

But the real reason most of us know

Is to give tribute to those that died and to show.

It's fathers day once again

by Chaplain Anthony Murphy Site Admin

It's fathers day once again

What does this mean to you?

So many live in fatherless homes

Unfortunately this is oh so true.

f you want to live a happy life and with good days

by Dr. Anthony Murphy writer

If you want to live a happy life and with good days

let's see what the bible recommends and what it says.

Keep your tongue from speaking evil and keep your lips from speaking lies.

This is a wonderful way to live the life of the wise.

How long do you think you will live?

by Dr. Anthony Murphy writer

How long do you think you will live?

Believe it or not I have the answer to give.

You will live forever somewhere it's true

In heaven or hell, where? It's up to you.