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It seems it doesn’t matter what the people have to say.

by Chaplain Anthony Murphy Site Admin

It seems it doesn’t matter what the people have to say.

The government doesn’t care, they do things their way.

“A government for the people, bye the people“? is no more.

Just look at the way we voted, just count the score.

Forgiveness is not just a destructive word

by Chaplain Anthony Murphy Site Admin

Forgiveness is not just a destructive word

It is something to do after you’ve heard

That unforgiveness causes a rift

That true forgiveness is a Godly gift.

If you ever feel afraid, like many do

by Dr. Anthony Murphy writer

If you ever feel afraid, like many do

Here is some very good news for you.

If you are a born again Christian believer

In Jesus Christ and not some false deceiver.

Everybody has something that God wants them to do.

by Dr. Anthony Murphy writer

Everybody has something that God wants them to do.

Do you know that special assignment given to you?

We each have a special and unique talent or skill.

That talent and skill is designed to fill a special bill.

When we are no longer afraid we really begin to live.

by Dr. Anthony Murphy writer

When we are no longer afraid we really begin to live.

This is the encouragement of the day that I’ll give.

With all the turmoil, bad news and such today,

It could be very easy to worry and stress you out that way.