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President Trump has a very tough job to do.

by Dr. Anthony Murphy writer

President Trump has a very tough job to do.

There is so much demonic activity now, it's true.

Everything this great president wants and needs to fix,

The previous administration wants to nix with their tricks.

Do you believe in miracles, I surely do.

by Dr. Anthony Murphy writer

Do you believe in miracles, I surely do.

Another question is what is a miracle to you?

Have you ever had a miracle in your life?

Has one happened to your husband or wife?

What label are you wearing today?

by Chaplain Anthony Murphy Site Admin

What label are you wearing today?

Are you believing what people say?

Many will give a negative report about you.

They may label you, but that label is not true.

Do you need help with a habit you want to break?

by Dr. Anthony Murphy writer

Do you need help with a habit you want to break?

It's something that you know is a mistake?

Habits always start small, they're easy to do.

Habits are hard to break, this is also true.

Stress, worry, frustration and worry are all the enemies tools.

by Dr. Anthony Murphy writer

Stress, worry, frustration and worry are all the enemies tools.

In this world today, falling for these tricks are many fools.

Because without God they don't know how to cope with a situation.

They revert to drugs, alcohol, sex and violence without hesitation.