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Don't let that dream within you die.

by Chaplain Anthony Murphy Site Admin

Don't let that dream within you die.

God's telling you to give it one more try.

Maybe the timing wasn't right before.

But it is right now, success is at the door.

How do you handle gossip is our poem today?

by Chaplain Anthony Murphy Site Admin

How do you handle gossip is our poem today?

When you hear some juicy gossip what do you say?

It so easy to get involved and give them a piece of your mind.

That's not God's way, he wants us to be protective and kind.

Draining the swamp in Washington DC

by Chaplain Anthony Murphy Site Admin

Draining the swamp in Washington DC

Is going to be very difficult I agree.

The swamp isn't anything new.

They want to destroy me and you.

Most of us today use a GPS to get us to our destination.

by Dr. Anthony Murphy writer

Most of us today use a GPS to get us to our destination.

It, as you know, is designed to get us anywhere in the nation.

We can follow it's advice and get there without stress.

Or we can ignore the lady on the GPS and get into a mess.

I want each of us to experience a fresh anointing today.

by Dr. Anthony Murphy writer

I want each of us to experience a fresh anointing today.

This is something you get from the Lord when you ask and pray.

It's that something very special, that allows you to do things well.

To accomplish goals and dreams that seem impossible, I'm here to tell.