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Don't worry about what people say about you.

by Chaplain Anthony Murphy Site Admin

Don't worry about what people say about you.

Some people are not going to like what you say and do.

Some people are like sandpaper, to you they're always rough.

These are the ones you must love from a distance, that's enough.

How would you grade yourself as a Christian today?.

by Dr. Anthony Murphy writer

How would you grade yourself as a Christian today?.

If God were to ask you this would would you say?

Many want to be better and stronger in some way.

Not many of us, unfortunately would reply I'm an "A".

Thank you Lord for allowing me to be a Christian today,

by Dr. Anthony Murphy writer

Thank you Lord for allowing me to be a Christian today,

I want to make my time count during this brief stay.

I was placed here for this time to accomplish a goal.

To also be a witness and a testimony to another soul.

Who are you going to make smile today?

by Chaplain Anthony Murphy Site Admin

Who are you going to make smile today?

If it's God you'll be blessed, if it's the enemy, you'll pay.

Everyday we can choose blessings from God,

Or choose to make Satan smile and get his devilish nod.