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Being “Peaceful on Purpose” Is Our Theme Today

by Chaplain Anthony Murphy Site Admin

Being “peaceful on purpose” is our theme today.

Some can't accept this idea, and would say, “no way”.

As children of God, we have a different option — it's true.

God already knows the problem, and knows just what to do.

I Want to Personally Thank Paula White today.

by Dr. Anthony Murphy writer

I want to personally thank Paula White today.

Who is Paula White many may say?

She is a pastor that has a TV ministry show.

I just want you to be also thankful and know.

Let's Talk About Your Body Today

by Dr. Anthony Murphy writer

Let's talk about your body today.

How do you treat it every day?

Some treat their bodies very well.

Others abuse them, I'm here to tell.

So Many People Are Stuck in This Life

by Dr. Anthony Murphy writer

So many people are stuck in this life.

They don't enjoy their kids, husband or wife.

Instead they put up with the old excuse.

That's just the way they are, what's the use.

Today Be Encouraged, God Sees Your Need

by Chaplain Anthony Murphy Site Admin

Today, be encouraged, God sees your need.

When you helped others, you were planting a seed.

God saw those sacrifices you made that day.

Now it's your time, and God is about to repay.