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Psalm 91 is the poem for you today

by Dr. Anthony Murphy writer

Psalm 91 is the poem for you today

This is the poem that I also pray

It is the ultimate poem of protection for you

Yes, it has already protected thousands, it’s true.

Jesus is always available to guide you

by Dr. Anthony Murphy writer

Jesus is always available to guide you

through your day and through your life.

If you choose to ignore or reject Him

You can expect jealousy, hatred and strife.

When will America wake up and smell the corruption

by Chaplain Anthony Murphy Site Admin

When will America wake up and smell the corruption

The land is being taken over by the enemy daily

Citizens are cutting back because of rising costs

And some of us already realize the freedoms we have lost.

As an American veteran I am ashamed and concerned

Event starts in event finished - on November 11th, 2016 08:15am
by Chaplain Anthony Murphy Site Admin

As an American veteran I am ashamed and concerned

Of the USA policy to Israel that I have just learned

The quartet, consists of a group of four members

That I hope and pray in prayer you will remember.

Israel is in a war, it escalates every day

by Chaplain Anthony Murphy Site Admin

Israel is in a war, it escalates every day

It’s hard to believe the media and what they say

The news is slanted, tainted and not the truth

I never thought I was see them as so uncouth