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​ When I watch old re-runs on TV

by Dr. Anthony Murphy writer

When I watch old re-runs on TV

It makes me remember how life used to be

The good guys always wore a white hat

and it was rare to see a child acting like a brat

Are you seeking wealth, power and pleasure?

by Dr. Anthony Murphy writer

Are you seeking wealth, power and pleasure?

Should you maybe be looking for a better treasure?

Everything that we all work so hard for can disappear suddenly, I know

It happened to me and many people without warning with nothing to show,

Too many have gone thru a devistating divorce

by Dr. Anthony Murphy writer

Too many have gone thru a devistating divorce

and didn't realize what the outcome would be of course

If people only could see their future they would do whatever

to correct this mistake that could create a life long remorse.

It's a beautiful morning,

by Chaplain Anthony Murphy Site Admin

It's a beautiful morning,

the sky is so blue

It's a beautiful morning

For Jesus and you.