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So Many Are Living Under the Effects of Stress Today

by Dr. Anthony Murphy writer

So many are living under the effects of stress today.

Stress is a factor that increases sickness and disease in many a way.

Stress can lower your immune system that fights to keep you well.

Many people think that stress is normal, it's not, I'm here to tell.

People Will Always Judge You by the Way You Live

by Dr. Anthony Murphy writer

People will always judge you by the way you live.

This is the message they receive, and you give.

You must be careful with what you do and say.

Not just once but throughout each and every day.

Let's Find a Way to Be Good to Others Today

by Chaplain Anthony Murphy Site Admin

Let's find a way to be good to others today.

It could be in the little things we do and say.

This is a wonderful way to live your life.

This is opposite to hatred, bitterness and strife,

According to Bible Prophecy, We Know the End is Very Near

by Chaplain Anthony Murphy Site Admin

According to Bible prophecy we know the end is very near

But as a true follower of Jesus Christ we have nothing to fear.

Yes, there will be wars and rumors of wars the Bible tells us so

This poem is written to ask the question. where you will go?

Don't Be Satan's April Fool

by Dr. Anthony Murphy writer

Don't be Satan's April fool

He is the great deceiver that's his tool.

He wants people to think wrong

Unfortunately too many go along.