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At first some things don't seem too bad

by Dr. Anthony Murphy writer

At first some things don't seem too bad

We used to call them a diversion or a fad

But as we do the habit more and more

Sin always has a way to even the score

Don't be Satan's April fool

by Dr. Anthony Murphy writer

Don't be Satan's April fool

He is the great deceiver that's his tool.

He wants people to think wrong

Unfortunately too many go along.

I'm am determined to bless someone today.

by Chaplain Anthony Murphy Site Admin

I'm am determined to bless someone today.

That's sometimes easier to do than I can say.

Jesus was our greatest mentor during His stay

And He went about doing good everyday.

God wants to open the windows of heaven for you.

by Chaplain Anthony Murphy Site Admin

God wants to open the windows of heaven for you.

The bible tells us that this is for all His children, it's true.

If you are trying to live your life as you know you should

You can even expect to be blessed because you could.