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Just how great is your faith today?

by Chaplain Anthony Murphy Site Admin

Just how great is your faith today?

Do you really expect results when you pray?

Praying to some is just something to do.

They really don't expect their prayers to come true.

Today, I just wanted to personally thank God from me.

by Chaplain Anthony Murphy Site Admin

Today, I just wanted to personally thank God from me.

That I'm heading for church in a country that 's free.

So many in other parts of the world has something to fear.

They know that the enemy is watching and is near.

Today, I just wanted to personally thank God, from me

by Dr. Anthony Murphy writer

Today, I just wanted to personally thank God, from me.

That I'm heading for church in a country that 's still free.

So many Christians in other parts of the world, have something to fear.

They know that their enemy is watching and is so very near.

Good morning, how are you doing today?

by Chaplain Anthony Murphy Site Admin

Good morning, how are you doing today?

your reply will either make or break your day.

It's our attitude that can make us gloomy and sad

Or a positive that makes us happy, excited and glad.

Prayer is a privilege that many don't use.

by Chaplain Anthony Murphy Site Admin

Prayer is a privilege that many don't use.

Others don't realize the marvelous privilege and even abuse.

When you consider that we can be in touch with Almighty God.

Our prayers to many outsiders may seem strange and odd.