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As I Watched Joel Osteen on TBN Today...

by Dr. Anthony Murphy writer

As I watched Joel Osteen on TBN today...

I felt an anointed poem coming my way.

He offers a message of inspiration and hope for me.

If you ever watch Joel I'm sure you'll also agree.

Thought for the Day: You Will Be Held Accountable Some Day

by Dr. Anthony Murphy writer

Thought for the day. You will be held accountable some day.

This is something that the Lord wanted me to say.

All this corruption and abandoning of the Lord today.

Is, as we Christians know, leading this country astray.

As We All Know There Are 4 Seasons in a Year

by Chaplain Anthony Murphy Site Admin

As we all know there are 4 seasons in a year.

We all go through seasons with joy and sometimes a tear.

Things happen to all that we don't understand.

Like what's happening in the USA our great land.

Did You Realize That We Are All Pregnant With God's Favor Today?

by Chaplain Anthony Murphy Site Admin

Did you realize that we are all pregnant with God's favor today?

Yes! We are all pregnant with idea's in a God given way.

Each of us is very different, I'm sure on that you'll agree.

God made us all very different, there is no other person like you and me.

Let's All Reprogram Our Minds to Be Winners Today

by Dr. Anthony Murphy writer

Let's all reprogram our mind to be a winner today.

There are so many negative voices telling us “No way.”

Negative voices tell us we are not talented enough, don't even try.

That these are tough times, that if I can maybe just get by.