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Today's poem is for you to be comfortable with who you are.

by Dr. Anthony Murphy writer

Today's poem is for you to be comfortable with who you are.

We are all designed differently just like a truck or car.

Some are built for comfort, to carry a load and some for speed.

God designed you to have the talent that you need to exceed.

Exciting news. Poem book #6 is now available.

by Chaplain Anthony Murphy Site Admin

Exciting news. Poem book #6 is now available.

This is my best one yet and if you are able,

Help me get a supply of these to hand out free.

This is a very unusual ministry, I agree.

Do you have a vision for your life, is it big or small?

by Chaplain Anthony Murphy Site Admin

Do you have a vision for your life, is it big or small?

Many go through life with really no vision at all.

If we want to accomplish our God inspired dream.

We must remember it is something that must be seen.

This is Palm Sunday, what does it mean to you?

by Chaplain Anthony Murphy Site Admin

This is Palm Sunday, what does it mean to you?

To many, unfortunately, it just means another day, it's true.

But to the Christian it means the day of the cross was near.

When they would crucify my Jesus, my savior, so dear.