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Let's show appreciation for what we have today.

by Dr. Anthony Murphy writer

Let's show appreciation for what we have today.

Many don't appreciate how they've been blessed in many a way.

We turn on the faucet, we open the refrigerator door.

We look in our closet and look at somethings we've never even wore.

How do you treat money in your life?

by Chaplain Anthony Murphy Site Admin

How do you treat money in your life? It can create joy, happiness or strife. Are you a steward with your finances today? Do you handle your...

Today I want us all realize we have incredible power.

by Chaplain Anthony Murphy Site Admin

Today I want us all realize we have incredible power.

That we can be a conqueror this very hour.

What power, is what many would ask or say?

As of now we are going to do things God's way.

Today I want us all realize we have incredible power.

That we can be a conqueror this very hour.

What power, is what many would ask or say?

As of now we are going to do things God's way.

You and I are a vital part of God's plan for the future of our world now.

by Dr. Anthony Murphy writer

You and I are a vital part of God's plan for the future of our world now.

Some may ask the question "Who me, and/or why, when and how?"

Right now there are many evil forces trying to eliminate the Jews.

It's happened in the past and now it's happening again, it's all over the news.