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If you've never experienced lies and deception

by Dr. Anthony Murphy writer

If you've never experienced lies and deception

All I can say is your life is an exception.

Seems when Greed enters the playing field

Most people today, it seems, tend to yield.

According to Bible prophecy we know the end is near

by Dr. Anthony Murphy writer

According to Bible prophecy we know the end is near

But as a true follower of Jesus Christ we have nothing to fear.

Yes there will be wars and rumors of wars the Bible tells us so

This is a poem written to ask you the question. where you will go?

Here’s a special Valentine message to you.

by Chaplain Anthony Murphy Site Admin

Here’s a special Valentine message to you.

A message to give to the one who truly loves you.

This message is for the savior Jesus Christ our Lord

He is the one that gave his life for me because I am adored.