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I am an army veteran and proud that I served a few years.

by Dr. Anthony Murphy writer

I am an army veteran and proud that I served a few years.

Being away from family at such a young age brought manly fears.

All of a sudden you are part of team that will do as we are told.

They teach us fighting techniques and how to be bold.

How are you doing today?

by Dr. Anthony Murphy writer

How are you doing today?

What am I asking you and in what way?

How's your diet, this is an important question to you?

Your diet, as a Christian, will effect everything you do.

I can't believe the petty comments about President Trump today.

by Dr. Anthony Murphy writer

I can't believe the petty comments about President Trump today.

It seems the media looks for anything that he has to say.

Then they put their comments to make it look bad and wrong.

We finally have a God believing president that is Godly and strong.