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I don’t know about you, but I need Jesus hour by hour

by Chaplain Anthony Murphy Site Admin

don’t know about you, but I need Jesus hour by hour

I pray God, be my wisdom today I will rely on your power.

I feel truly sorry for the people that deny Jesus as God.

Oh, I know to those around me I am truly odd.

I'm am determined to bless someone today

by Chaplain Anthony Murphy Site Admin

I'm am determined to bless someone today.

That's sometimes easier to do than I can say.

Jesus was our greatest mentor during His stay

And He went about doing good everyday.

If you''ve lost a loved because of your sin now

by Dr. Anthony Murphy writer

If you''ve lost a loved because of your sin now

You realize Satan tempted you and how

you gave in to the temptation that day

And for the rest of your life, you pay, pay and pay

I've made so many foolish mistakes in my life

by Dr. Anthony Murphy writer

I've made so many foolish mistakes in my life

That resulted in the loss of my family and incredible wife.

Now that I am suffering the consequences of the sins

If only I could undo the past and start agai