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If we would only live our life as the bible tells us too

by Chaplain Anthony Murphy Site Admin

If we would only live our life as the bible tells us too

Our lives would be totally different for most it's true

We, including me, sometimes listen to the wrong voice

and then blame God when we experience that choice.

As an American veteran I am ashamed and concerned

by Chaplain Anthony Murphy Site Admin

As an American veteran I am ashamed and concerned

Of the USA policy to Israel that I have just learned

The quartet, consists of a group of four members

That I hope and pray in prayer you will remember.

R we 2 busy for the Lord?

by Dr. Anthony Murphy writer

R we 2 busy for the Lord?

Seems like our day is over before it's begun

We really need to ask for daily instruction from God's son

To be truly happy and blessed we know that today

that we should be taking time to praise God and pray