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I work at the Idaho Falls senior center as a volunteer.

by Chaplain Anthony Murphy Site Admin

I work at the Idaho Falls senior center as a volunteer.

We deliver food to the shut-ins, they have nothing to fear.

This crew is very dedicated and they know just what to do.

As a helper to them, I must admit I sometimes don't have a clue.

It's Sunday once more, what's your plan for the day?

by Chaplain Anthony Murphy Site Admin

It's Sunday once more, what's your plan for the day?

We all have many decisions will we be in church or play?

There are many temptations that are appealing to you.

When making today's decision just what will you do?

Corruption never works, and the liberals just don’t understand.

by Dr. Anthony Murphy writer

Corruption never works, and the liberals just don’t understand.

If only America would wake up and ignore their demands.

Some, maybe all of their demands limit our freedoms — it's true.

They keep an eye on all conservatives and us Christians too.

We are tested and tied with our faith everyday.

by Dr. Anthony Murphy writer

We are tested and tied with our faith everyday.

When we have a decision what do you do and say?

God is right there with you and knows just what to do.

But sometimes we don't wait on God, it's so very true.