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Now that I no longer want or need this home

by Chaplain Anthony Murphy Site Admin

Now that I no longer want or need this home

I want to move now, without my wife I'm alone

It made me realize that all we have is only on loan

That my true treasures are in my heavenly home.

Do not envy others!

by Chaplain Anthony Murphy Site Admin

Do not envy others!

That can happen even with sisters and brothers.

Know you are special, you're one of a kind.

To fulfill God's purpose, He had just you in mind.

How incredible is true friendship?

by Chaplain Anthony Murphy Site Admin

How incredible is true friendship?

It feels as good as the morning sun

It tells us this is a brand new day

and it makes everything we do more fun

People suing people it's happening everyday.

by Dr. Anthony Murphy writer

People suing people it's happening everyday.

It seems you can now be sued for anything you say.

This world sure has changed since I was young

Now everyone must be careful what rolls off their tongue.

A prayer a day keeps the doctor away.

by Chaplain Anthony Murphy Site Admin

A prayer a day keeps the doctor away.

Sometimes if you don't always know what to pray

Just treat him as your father and your best friend

He can "read your mail" and know that you intend